Some of you will think I’m crazy. Others will nod knowingly. I’m hunkered down at Edgewater Farm this week writing, writing, writing on deadline for my new book. And everywhere I look, there’s the “one last thing” Christmas decoration that I forgot to put away. Last night, I finally succumbed to saying “see you next year” to my Charlie Brown Christmas tree and my favorite “Merry Christmas, Y’all!” napkins.
Are there sentimental things YOU still have up? And please don’t tell me it’s your tree, that thing is definitely a crispy critter fire hazard by now!
Life 101 – So long Christmas
This entry was posted in American Fun, Decorating, Holidays, Household Tips, Life 101, Uncategorized, What I'm Doing and tagged #americana, #bruce littlefield, #christmas, #lastremnantsofchristmas, #springcleaning. Bookmark the permalink.