Dinner Party Talk – For your weekend

Your weekly dinner party talking points.

As seen each week in the Hudson Valley’s Shawagunk Journal:
Dancing with the Stars Bristol Palin? Really? Guaranteed to grab record ratings: half of us hope she falls, half of us hope Sarah wins.
Back to school New jeans? Check. Books? Check. Pencils? Wait, do we use pencils anymore?
Iraq War “turns the page” Is the world safer? More terrorist free?
Merengue Dancing Dog If you haven’t seen her boogieing in her spunky cha-cha mama outfit, get thee to YouTube!
Hurricanes 5 years since Katrina? And this year we’ve met Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Danielle, Earl and Fiona. But will we greet Gaston, Hermine, Igor, Julia, Karl and Lisa?
Christians vs. Muslims Why can’t we all just get along?
Labor Day Symbolic end of summer. Beginning of NFL and college football season.

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