Life 101 – Happy Advice

Congrats, you’ve survived the Ides of March. (Julius Caesar was not so lucky, though he did get a salad named for him.) Now that you’ve survived, it’s time to promise yourself that tomorrow you’ll live life big. With that thought, Westminster and I wanted to post on the homepage what I think are the 10 Secrets to a Happy Life.
Tip 1: Laugh. A lot!
Tip 2: Plant a garden.
Tip 3: Shop enthusiastically.
Tip 4: Make things look good.
Tip 5: Embrace uncertainty.
Tip 6: Adopt a best friend.
Tip 7: Exercise until you feel good.
Tip 8: Figure out your family.
Tip 9: Live for the moment.
Tip 10: Celebrate the talents of others.
This spring, we’re hoping you wake up each morning reawakened and ready to appreciate the day and the presents it gives you.

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