American Fun – Trailer Chic

On top of the Grand Daddy Hotel in Cape Town, there are seven shiny, custom designed Airstream Trailers that hotel guests can reserve for an evening in lace-covered or fairy tale or blue polka-dotted bliss. I probably won’t be making the trek from New York City to South Africa anytime soon, but I’m totally content to check out the Airstreams on the hotel’s website. It features stunning, 360 degree views of the seven trailers. Airstream and Americana fans everywhere should check out the Grand Daddy Hotel and if you want to get a little Airstream history and design tips, read Airstream Living (the book by yours truly that People Magazine calls “perfect for daydreamers.”) I also really enjoyed this video clip about remodeling a 1970’s Airstream. Very “This Old Silver Trailer House.”

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