The One That Got Away

THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY There’s nothing worse than the one that got away. It haunts you for weeks like a bad dream, eats away at your psyche like a termite on softened wood. I recently found myself attracted to a delicately aged pair of Bert and Ernie puppets sitting on the lawn of an otherwise innocuous sale of miscellany. My brother and I had them growing up. Ernie slept on the bottom bunk with Brian, Bert slept up top with me. I didn’t buy them, leaving them to be taken by some other more thoughtful brother, and I’ve regretted it ever since. Wouldn’t it have been fun for me to send Brian an Ernie with a mysterious note? Wouldn’t that have been worth the ten bucks? It’s a real missed opportunity, and I try not to let those happen too often. Tell me about something you passed up and have regretted ever since…

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