Gardening – Planting Season

As summer approaches, it is time to garden! Even if you only have room for a few plants–plant something! It’s one of my secrets to a happy life. My theory is that taking care of something living brings more life to your life. I got a little too eager beaver this year and planted my vegetable garden on a warm day in April. Last week’s cold snap claimed a few tomatoes and my farmer neighbor admonished me: “Don’t you know not to plant until after the first new moon after Mother’s Day.” Now I know! (At left, me beginning a lifelong project by planting the first grapevine in Edgewater Farm’s new vineyard.) The Farmer’s Almanac is a great resource for such tips, including: “When the leaves on the ash tree are as big as a squirrel’s paw, it is time to plant corn.” May sound corny, but farmer’s swear by it! Happy planting!

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