Fun is not a four-letter word. But for a reason unknown to all but circus clowns and roller coaster designers, adults graduate from childhood and somehow forget everything we know about having fun. Let this serve as a reminder for remembering the thrill of a tent pitched in the backyard, the thrill of yelling BINGO, the simple joy of skipping barefoot through the clover (at left), and the chuckle of wearing a costume when no one else is. Or have a conversation with your Aunt Jean about Trump.
Here comes summer! Find FUN!
This entry was posted in American Fun, Dinner Party Talk, Household Tips, Life 101, Uncategorized, What I'm Doing, When I Grow Up and tagged #american, #auntjean, #brucelittlefield, #dogs, #gardening, #makeamericagreatagain, #summer, #trump, life 101. Bookmark the permalink.