Life 101 – Charity

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how to make the world better and the people I know who are making a concerted effort to do that. In Trench Town, Jamaica, my friend Roslyn Ellison recognized a need amidst the poverty and gang violence… the kids. In November 1993, sitting with friends in Bob Marley’s old yard, she decided she was going to do something for the young people of the area to help them find a path forward out of the cycle of violence, poverty and exclusion. Five weeks later, The TrenchTown Reading Centre opened its doors and for 10 years has served the kids of the ghetto as a lending library and a place where they can learn. The service is free. In addition to her own investment of time, money, and emotion, Roslyn raises funds in every way she can–from bake sales to concerts to the kindness of friends across the miles. Every dime is well spent. Like them on Facebook… And if you’re looking to do something good with a few bucks, consider helping young people have positive experiences. You can donate via Paypal at the bottom of the Centre’s website or email questions, inspirations & other giving options to

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