If you’re in NYC and love cabaret, check out my friends Ann Osmond and Dennis Yerry’s new show “Skyscrapers and Mountaintops” at the Metropolitan Room. I went last night and, as a guy who has both a city and a country life, I loved the celebration of “city cacophony” and “country serenity.” (Ann and Dennis obviously haven’t heard about the skunk who moved in at my farm.) The songs are fun, and Ann’s voice is incredible. So, Sunday, April 15th mail your taxes, then catch the show and grab a much-needed tax day drink at the Metropolitan Room (34 W. 22nd St., bet. 5th and 6th Aves.) at 9:30 p.m. Admission is $15. Tickets: 212-206-0440
Life 101 – Ann Osmond performs
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