When I grow up – Stuntmen

Here’s a new brucelittlefield.com feature: When I grow up, a look at outrageous, crazy fun jobs. Today, I ponder the question, “How exactly does someone’s career path put him perched on the top of the highest man-made spot in the world, without a harness?! Yep, check out this video Gizmodo posted of Mission Impossible 4 stuntmen scouting a location literally at the top of the world, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. At 2,717 ft, it is world’s tallest skyscraper. Warning: do not watch if you get vertigo. After watching, I haven’t been able to shake the fear and my eyes may be permanently widened. In order to rig it for Tom Cruise’s stunt, professional stuntmen Brett Smrz, Gregg Smrz, and David Schultz scaled the world’s tallest skyscraper without the safety of harnesses. Hold your breath and watch! (Or, instead, stay on the ground and enjoy The Carpenter’s Top of the World.)

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