American Pets – Granddogs

Tux made possible by Grandma.

Newsweek calls it a “social trend.” I call it “totally adorable.” Grandparents across the country are caring for not only their actual grandkids, but also their kids’ dogs- their granddogs. “It’s an epidemic; everyone I talk to over 45 is going through this. We want grandchildren, but we got granddogs instead. I know I’m not alone,” Rozlynn, 55, said in a recent article. Birdy and Missy, Rozlynn’s granddogs, sound like typical, happy grandkids. They sleep in Rozlynn and her hubby’s bed and get holiday gifts. Come to think of it, I’ve always loved my grandma’s southern mac-n-cheese, and I bet Westminster would, too! We’re going for a visit!

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