Over the holiday weekend and its sputtering Hurricane Earl, I encamped myself on a couch at the beach and enjoyed a book. Really enjoyed. The Year of Living Biblically, A.J. Jacob’s quest to follow the rules of the Bible for 365 days as literally as possible, is impossible to put down, almost as much as his following all 700 plus of the Bible’s rules. Who knew that in addition to the Bible’s more popular moral laws (honesty, tithing, lust curbing), there are also near-to impossible ones: not mixing wool with linen; not cutting your beard; and killing magicians? He met Samaritans in Israel, snake handlers in Appalachia, Amish in Pennsylvania, and creationists in Kentucky. And the result is a highly enjoyable and enlightening read. A.J., I’m a fan.
Life 101 – Year of Living Biblically
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